The Lockdown Adventures of Debbie and Daz

Shortly after lockdown was announced, Debbie returned home after work and was attacked by someone wearing a mask to hide their face as she opened her door.

Instead of being scared though, Debbie was excited. The guy wearing the mask was her boyfriend Darren and this was a roleplay sex scenario they had planned in detail over several evenings beforehand. The wild card here was Daz had refused to say precisely when he proposed to put the plan into action. He thought it would add to the drama. Now Debbie knew and she swung into her rehearsed response.

Later, when they’d finished, Daz and Debbie lay in bed with the laptop and analysed what had transpired. This was easy to do, as the whole scenario had been filmed. It was an early attempt by them to create a sex video. Daz thought he’d been pretty bloody amazing given the lack of space available. Although he didn’t mention it, he also thought there was little chance Debbie would make it in the porn business. She ticked all the boxes as far as looks and abilities were concerned, but she kept forgetting her lines.

Before the purists amongst you start to scoff and suggest a script in these types of film is as useful as a chocolate teapot, everything needs context and the spoken word is one of the more straightforward ways of achieving this.

Debbie, for her part, was impressed that Daz had managed remain so energetic throughout. How he’d been able to hold everything together when she slid her finger into his arse (it wasn’t in the original script, but she thought it was a good idea when the opportunity arose) beggared belief. Their regular sexual liaisons were good, but never lasted half this long. She’d experienced three orgasms as well, which was three more than normal.

An unexpected by-product of the restriction of movement caused by the lockdown was the dramatic increase in sexual activity of couples living together with, let’s be honest, little else to do. Debbie and Daz were trying to be creative with a view to making their own sex tape. After that, who knew?

The lovers received the confirmation the lockdown was to be extended with mixed feelings. On the one hand, the spectacular expansion of what was already an above average sex life was proving great fun and increasingly interesting in terms of the extravagance of the backdrop for their performances. Admittedly, this was mainly due to their attempts to make what they wanted to be a perfect sex-tape to release to the outer world, but there were worse ways to pass the time.

The overall plan was to create a brand online that regular purveyors of pornography would associate with top-class slap and tickle, no holes barred (yes, intended), which was realistic, involving good-looking people in situations everyone was familiar with. A small amount of acting was therefore needed.

On the other hand, they were both knackered from their sexual efforts and needed a bit of time off to recover. Daz was looking forward to the start of Debbie’s period for the first time since they had met. It was an unbelievable turn of events. He wondered if it was unique in the history of this type of intercourse. It was for him.

Daz considered himself the brains behind all this, but his capability was determination and understanding where the cameras needed to be placed once a scene had been arranged. As a business-man, he talked the talk but that was it. Debbie had proved very adept at suggesting scenarios that would work well. For example, the secretary / boss relationship had been flogged to death (in several ways), but Debbie had suggested they should be cleaners working through the night in open-plan offices, with interesting consequences. There were others. All of them ended roughly the same way but the getting there was creative. In real life, it happens in bedrooms the world over night after night.

She was able to think outside the box, as current terminology has it. She provided numerous variations on a very old theme and constantly surprised Daz by appearing in appropriate outfits to nearly wear when they shot scenes. It was costing her a fortune to get them from eBay. She didn’t tell Daz how much and, anyway, compared to what he was spending on camera bits and memberships to exclusive porn sites (for research purposes honey) it was a drop in the ocean.

In short, they spent much of the time they weren’t filming their sex lives planning different strategies and imagining situations they thought would prove appealing and exciting to an audience they would never meet, never wanted to meet but, ultimately, would take the decisions that would make or break their prospective careers.

Unfortunately for him, Daz had realised quite early on that Debbie had the cinematic presence of furniture. She looked good, but moved and acted woodenly until the sex started in earnest. Then she was gold dust. He didn’t know what to do. He’d tried talking to her about it, but all that did was make her cry. She couldn’t remember her lines (there weren’t many and, in fairness, a stranger watching her performance would experience similar problems).

Daz was furloughed, and spent hours looking at the finished videos they created on his laptop whilst Debbie was at work, trying to edit out the numerous problems caused by Debbie’s inability to act. He’d downloaded a number of videos from some of the more specialist sites he was now a member of to assess how the professionals got round such issues. Making the perfect sex video was proving more complicated than he’d anticipated.

So far, they’d shot eleven different scenes. Daz thought three were good and one, the mechanic fixing the lady’s broken-down vehicle one, was in his opinion bang on the money. He was going to talk to Debbie about submitting it to one of the sites he knew. If everything went according to plan, this time next year they could be famous.

Daz had exhibited what his mother described as an unhealthy interest in sex from an early age. It probably at least partly stemmed from his now deceased father being a newsagent. Daz had the run of the place as a child, and earned pocket money looking after the shop at weekends. He had quickly discovered the fabled ‘top shelf’ and became fascinated by what he saw and read.

By the time he met Debbie, his sexual appetite was getting a little bit out of control. None of his previous partners could meet his exacting sexual demands, or indeed the number of times he wanted to give it a go regardless. The demise of the jazz-mag had been replaced by the internet and he was an active viewer between girlfriends. When he met Debbie, he couldn’t believe he’d finally met someone whose sexual appetite was as voracious as his. It was lust at first sight.

Debbie was able to control some of Daz’s more unusual sexual requests by a combination of diversion (doing something slightly different, less weird but equally exciting) and flat rejection (you can f*** off if you think I’m going to do that!). In truth, she had always wanted an experimental boyfriend like Daz. Moving in together a few weeks after meeting worked perfectly. They did what they wanted whenever and, in some cases, wherever they wanted. The suggestion of making a sex-tape was greeted with great enthusiasm.

The start of the initial three-week lockdown heralded the start of the home movie-making. Daz threw himself into organising how to film stuff, whilst Debbie worked on stories and scenes. She knew she couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag, but felt certain none of the porn actresses she’d watched in films with Daz were any better. It was just a question of justifying why it was necessary to put your hand into a man’s fly in a public place at ten o’clock in the morning (other scenarios were available). Apparently pouting at the camera didn’t cut it.

Debbie hadn’t realised how demanding it would be making these movies. The idea of becoming some kind of an internet porn celebrity very much appealed to her, but if she didn’t get a break soon she’d collapse. Eleven videos in twenty-one days! Enjoyable as it had been, there were limits. And she was feeling a bit strange. Not virus-strange, but a little bit out of sorts. A break would sort this out.

After the evening meal (they did normal things as well), Daz showed Debbie the rushes from the mechanic video he’d been editing. Debbie was impressed. In particular, Debbie knew she looked particularly desirable in that one. She saw and remembered the sex had been spectacular. She smiled appreciatively at the memory.

“What’s the plan?” she asked Daz.

“I’m going to submit it to one of the specialist sites. I’ll pixelate our faces (he’d purchased some software to allow him to do this) so no-one will know it’s us. Then we just sit back and see what level of interest there is. If there’s a lot, we contact the site and try to make some kind of deal so we provide more content and gain a reputation. Maybe we’ll be able to come up with a porny name to identify us quicker. I’m thinking Double D. What do you think? Everybody wins.”

“How do we make any money?”

“With the first video we don’t. But if everything goes well we can try to make a deal like I said.”

Debbie wasn’t convinced. “I can’t see how that will work. There are plenty of amateur sites out there with equally graphic content. The couples involved have been on them for years. Why haven’t they hit the big time?”

Daz now displayed the business acumen he was not really noted for. “Don’t worry. Once they see how good we are they’ll beat a path to our door.”

Debbie shrugged her shoulders, but accepted what Daz told her. After all, he was very experienced in the world of pornography, even if only as a viewer. To her, this was just a hobby. Pleading tiredness, she went up to bed whilst Daz made the final preparations for download the sex-film. It took him 35 minutes to do this, but he was very happy with the outcome. He was excited when he got to bed. Debbie was fast asleep.

Fast forward a couple of weeks. They’ve made a couple more movies, but Daz can see that Debbie’s heart’s not in it at the moment. He’s OK about this though. The video he submitted seems to be a success judging by the number of hits it’s received. He visualises a future in which he directs movies featuring some of the bigger players in the porn industry. Maybe he’ll be able to take part as well. Life looks good.

Debbie’s gone to bed early again, so he decides to visit one of his membership porn sites for inspiration and relaxation. He logs on via the laptop whilst sat in front of the TV. When he looks at the ‘new videos’ section, he leaps up in shock. His video is advertised there. More worryingly, the software program he’d used to pixelate their faces had been hacked, so everyone could see it was them.

His blood ran cold.  He checked another site, then another, and then some of the more easily accessible free sites. The video was available on all of them, faces uncovered. He’d have to tell Debbie before it all got awkward. Then they’d need to make some kind of plan. God knew what they could do but any damage limitation was going to be better than none.

Daz raced upstairs. Debbie emerged from the en-suite as he entered the bedroom.

“Debs, we’ve got a problem. We’ve been hacked. That video is everywhere on the net and our faces are shown. What are we going to do?”

Debbie didn’t seem overly concerned. She had more important things on her mind. “I’m pregnant,” she said.


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